• Klara’s Dance*

      Distressed at an unexpected news, Klara keeps it a secret from her boyfriend thereby risking their relationship.   *Only a trailer is available for now.

    Jan 12, 2024
    Slovenia 29 Minutes Jan Fabris
  • (w)hole

      Two characters meet and fall in love, sharing pieces of themselves with each other, but soon find the fragility of their connection and themselves.   https://vimeo.com/898690328/574fcead10?share=copy (w)hole Film Review

    Jan 8, 2024
    United Kingdom 5 Minutes Natasha Redmond
  • Kimyan Law – Protection Prayer*

      Protection Prayer is about the human condition, its relations and dependencies. The music and the performance, in tandem, take the observer through different stages of faith, and the emotional, often conflicting nature of being human. Between the carnal […]

    Jan 7, 2024
    Austria 4 Minutes Nicola Mpunga
  • Merlina

      In the search for a second half, Merlina finds shelter in her reflection.  

    Jan 7, 2024
    Nicaragua 3 Minutes Harold González Chavarría
  • To my buddy

      “Emergency! My girlfriend’s in a predicament!” Now, the daring gingerbread man leaps into action to rescue her!   https://filmfreeway.com/tomybuddy

    Jan 3, 2024
    Korea 2 Minutes Myung-ju Kim
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