“Pockets” is a subtle, darkly comic drama centred on the chance encounter of two despairing strangers, Martina and Tom, on a bench by an idyllic, rural lakeside. <
JULIA wakes up in and apartment with a massive headache, stumbling around trying to remember what happened before. She can’t open any window or door in this place. Julia is trapped in this apartment. < *Only a […]
E’moni is challenged to do the right thing when an unexpected turn of events interrupts their fun filled weekend road trip and in doing so she must reckon with the truth of who her friends really are. […]
Welcome to the hottest show in town! See You In Hell is the story of Charlie, a recently deceased young man stuck on a purgatorial game show where if you lose the game, you lose your soul. Now […]
Maryam, a rebel leader in an archaic world governed by ruthless religion, is set to prove that the god hovering in the sky is a lie. But she is stopped by a holy warrior that turns out to […]