One has a human meat addiction but hates ketchup, another has a ketchup addiction but hates human meat. Who will compromise first? Is this surreal plot just a metaphor for..? You decide. *Only a trailer is available […]
Time shrinks and stretches. Years pass by, victoriously marching on an aging body. Years spawn and all in all fuse into eternity. And eternity never tire to make us sinners. *Only a trailer is available for now.
When a mysterious letter washes up on the nocturnal riverbank, a nightmarish journey into the realm of the MAHR begins. The story seems to blur with reality: “Who was really in the forest and was transformed? *Only […]
A young student suffers from severe exam anxiety. On the way to her exam, she envisions it like the walk to the gallows. The audience experiences all her struggles and fears throughout her exam. Mind in […]
An ambitious young woman looks too fondly up at the sky, with eyes glazed with dreams of love and fame, that she forgets about the mortality and frailness of human nature, and our inevitable oneness with the earth. […]
It’s Twenty Twenty, the year so bad they named it twice! Patrick is a young single man busy living the city life. Tonight, he opts for a quiet night in. He has ice cold beers, comfort food and […]
The film is the result of the postgraduate theses and research work of Ravin Raori and Yuqing Liu at the Interactive Architecture Lab, The Bartlett, UCL. The film is shot and produced in London in the United Kingdom. […]
Sex, Drugs & Rock’n’Roll? It’s not always fun and games. After a night out with her friends, Louise doesn’t just live through the worst horrortrip of her life but wakes up in some sort of basement without a […]