• Rogue Hunter (TRAILER)

      The ultimate macho and a snarky A.I. team up to take down an anti-technology terror group.  

    Aug 31, 2019
    Austria 2 Minutes Selvir Katich
  • First Date (TRAILER)

      Adriana has limited communication with the outside world after two years of intensive counseling for her PTSD from an event that removes her from an ordinary life that she deserves. Adriana the CEO of an international firm uses […]

    Aug 30, 2019
    United States 2 Minutes D.T. Bullock
  • Third World (TRAILER)

      Lily is able to communicate with Isis in spiritual ways in the light of information she has learned from Henry. Isis, who hasn’t been out of her own division in the temple for centuries, following this communication, exits […]

    Aug 30, 2019
    Turkey 1 Minutes Metin Kuru
  • Blackjack (TRAILER)

      Five players, a stack of cash, and everyone wants to win. Just one problem: Nobody is playing the same game.  

    Aug 30, 2019
    United States 1 Minutes Adam Fackelman
  • Rani (TRAILER)

      Rani is a female centric short film about the subtle cultural discrimination faced by a 15 year old school going girl from Indian society. The film also structures as a story meant to speak about arcane notions of […]

    Aug 30, 2019
    India 1 Minutes Anshuman Alamuru
  • You Are My Daughter (TRAILER)

      Fear can be derived from love; and fear leads to complete possession. The protagonist is trapped inside her frightening and scattered memories. She is the victim, desperately searching for a way out of her fears while her beloved […]

    Aug 30, 2019
    Hong Kong 1 Minutes Chan Wing Man
  • A Picnic Table, At Dusk

      A grieving teen has a mysterious correspondence with an unseen stranger by leaving messages on a picnic table at the park near her house.   *Only a trailer is available for now.

    Aug 25, 2019
    United States 11 Minutes Sheridan O'Donnell
  • Gloria*

      Four friends swear the solemn oath.   *Only a teaser is available for now.

    Aug 24, 2019
    Canada 5 Minutes Joëlle Arseneau
  • SuperDead

      In the fall out of a superhero and villain battle, an every day man lost his family in a fight they had no part in. For 23 years he has plotted his cold hard revenge to bring Earth’s […]

    Aug 23, 2019
    United Kingdom 10 Minutes Louis Murrall
  • Kozicky – 50

      Music video for Czech band Kozicky  

    Aug 23, 2019
    Czech Republic 3 Minutes Martin Kolembar
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