Music-video by El Miku for the song “la más tierna” (the most tender one) by “el doctor ramona”. A hymn to the simple joy of loving each other just because.
Puya, a German-Iranian who has lived in Germany for nearly thirty years, is trying with difficulty to make it as a filmmaker - so far to no avail. The way to a feature length film is far. So […]
A couple, struggling to cope with a new baby, find themselves unravelling when they begin to suspect a mysterious intruder is in their house. *Only a trailer is available for now. Something Film Review
When an elderly man returns to his family home after decades of absence, the apparition of his childhood sweetheart triggers a rewind to the life-changing events from his youth. *Only a trailer is available for now.
Original Title: Deadly Deception, Exposing the Dangers of Vaccines There is an epidemic, the likes that we have never seen in the history of this country. One in 6 children in America is learning disabled, one in 9 has […]
A group of daring young people eager to explore a newly found cave which carries lots of mystery within. Soon they ‘ll find out they ‘re not alone inside there. As the group wanders into the cave, one […]
After becoming paraplegic (paralyzed) in a car accident, the 18-year-old OCD musical genius, Annie, is left alone to rebuild her life to try and keep her promising future from slipping through her fingers.