‘The Umbrella Factory’ is a very special animation by directors Nick and Lexie Trivundza. In the middle of the night a stranger knocks at the door of three brothers to ask shelter from the rain, something to eat and a bed to rest. But the human nature of the three brothers is very different and their nature itself will be put at test by this strange visit to their home.
This is one story that will make you reflect on the effects of good deeds made unconditional and the consequences of greed. It so appears that unconditional good deed that brings no reward whatsoever in fact does return nobility to human soul and a modest feeling of personal satisfaction. On the other hand, greedy expectations will return costly prices to their holder.
It is what happens in Trivundza directors’ animation too: the granting of a wish of a greedy soul will haunt an entire family bringing fear and remorse. But the real question arisen by the two directors is: ‘Should it be possible that if everything was taken back, would a person ever learn from his own mistakes? Or would he repeat them over and over again?’
We truly liked this simple animation bringing to question the mechanisms of human soul and its temper, its possibilities of being shaped and the steps that cannot be jumped over during this process of self awareness.
We would not want to miss the symbol of the ‘umbrella’ as well, – that of a modest, simple and sincere feeling of kindness that would put anyone to shelter from regrets and qualms of conscience. Could anything bring a greater feeling of peace to a man? We are going to say no more about this mysterious animation. Watch and learn for yourself!