What does one choose to do in life? Those early years after one has graduated from studies – maybe they have studied their field of interest or perhaps it was just an alternative choice in a moment of indecision – are haunted by confusion and uncertainty. But it is often now that many of us find their true interests and some have the great luck and luxury to really follow their passion. 


I Take Photos’ by Oliver David Lister tells the story of a young lawyer and a young musician who have taken up photography out of instinct and need of photos for their Instagram accounts and have gathered a huge amount of followers with their imagery, boosting themselves and putting themselves under the light of Instagram itself.


Oliver Lister’s short film is a true story of success and the acknowledgement that talent has the power to draw attention on itself. Of course there are also teachings that emerge from his short film. The two young talented photographers: Tobi Shinobi and Ron Timehin also talk about the importance of practice before any talent gets to have the chance of being noticed. They would shoot hundreds of pictures before they really got to learn about photography and feeling the need to upgrade their equipment. Like everything else in life it’s the 99% effort that harnesses one’s 1% of talent..


I Take Photos’ is really captivating and inspiring. The cinematography is brilliant, making use of some simple but outstanding camera moves that exploit the curves and shapes in the picture, giving an amazing effect and making the film look spectacular. The pictures of the two artists are simply mesmerising stirring true fascination about this art. Also, the music has such a good vibe that everything becomes an exciting journey down a slide of sensations.


Told on a documentary tone, the story of the two friends rather looks like a motivational testimony meant to unlock one’s own potential and give them a push towards their own’s hearts yearnings.


Oliver Lister’s ‘I Take Photos’ really is surfing on another’s dream to charge your own batteries before starting to dive deeper for your own personal aims. Sublime, really!



