A young man is struggling with his own depression. A fight between suicidal thoughts and the positive thoughts emerging from the memory of his beloved ones unleashes, making the young man oscillate between the two tendencies.


Nick LeDonne’s ‘HANGING’ character is coping with having lost control over his own emotions, over his own self. He has become the puppet of his own depressive thoughts by having given up on his own self. His act of self abandonment feeds his discontent with his own person giving his darkest side the opportunity to manifest freely and uncontrollably and flood him with discrediting and damaging thoughts.


It is interesting to see that in Nick LeDonne’s animation, the damaging thoughts of depression take the shape of a sort of dark smoke, while his brighter thoughts take the shape of his mother. As a result the ‘clouds’ of dark smoke look as being many, while their contestant is only one – the memory of the character’s mother. This sends to how important it is in life to have even one person to trust and have faith in you.


The main character’s memory of his mother is the triggering source of his conscience that makes him reflect about himself, his intentions and the feelings of those around him. Simply drawn but very dynamic, ‘HANGING’ serves an important lesson about hanging on to one’s own conscience and fighting against the hardship moments in life before taking the ultimate decision to give up.


Nick LeDonne’s animation was awarded Student Film of the Month – July 2016, for its intensity in drawing on depression.


