Directed by Roberto Skora and Vinícius Piedade, ‘Lasanha de Berinjela’ or ‘Eggplant Lasagna’ charts the difficult relationship between a father and his artist son, as the two strive to create a dinner without envy or conflict. With such an interesting premise, one might be predisposed to think that the film would be all talk. However, Skora and Piedade have succeeded in creating a highly entertaining narrative filled with hope, regret, tension and deliverance.


A few missteps notwithstanding, this is a highly unusual film and we mean it in a good way. The two characters are compelling and the actors who bring them to life are equally great. The dialogue is riveting and sharp and only from the mannerisms and facial expressions, one can judge the level of dysfunction in the father-son relationship. From the perspective of sound mixing and sound editing, the technical team has meshed the audio visual and thematic aspects well, leading to a well rounded film that hits all the right notes. Furthermore, the cinematography is what makes the film truly come alive. The dimly lit scenes are in-line with the theme of the story while the extreme closeups peppered throughout the film are purposefully designed to invoke tension between the characters as well as exhibit the limited personal space they occupy. In addition, these closeups also exemplify the numerous close conversations that the father-son duo have throughout the film. Claustrophobic to a point, this framing of the film serves the underlying narrative well.


For the audience looking for a deep and meaningful film about a father and son striving to fix their toxic relationship, ‘Eggplant Lasagna’ offers much. Visualising the concept of pain in parent-child relationships splendidly, ‘Eggplant Lasagna’ dares to dream and succeeds on most counts. The film might feel like a slog from time to time but it’s all worth it by the end. Kudos to the directors for making a solid film on a difficult subject and visualising what many of us did not have the courage to do in our yesteryears.


