A woman receives a package that reads DO NOT OPEN THIS PACKAGE. She eventually opens it. It gets suspenseful, intriguing. Curiosity of what will follow makes our hearts beat violently.
Quinn Pohl’s film ‘Do Not Watch This Film’ is like a silent scream for help against routine, against stillness, against boredom and the emptiness in life. A metaphor from head to tail, ‘Do Not Watch This Film’ can be read in many ways. As the director states the film can be looked at as a ‘struggle’ to whether listen or not to one’s inner voice when taking a decision.
We personally like to think the film is about the contradiction with which we approach our lives in their most inert moments, when we find it hard to drive things forward by taking the risks, by doing something unexpected, by deciding to make an abrupt shift in our existence and staying loyal to taking action as required.
Lina, the main character, finally gets the chance to have something happen in her life. For the first time a mysterious package awakes her interest. Her blood starts flowing, her heart starts pumping. Should she, or shouldn’t she? Opportunities arise, but they are opportunities only for those who have the power to approach them. Opportunities are equally easy to be missed by hesitating to make the shift out of indecision, doubt, fear.
Very well paced, mysterious and moody, Quinn Pohl’s enigmatic film leaves one contemplating its meanings. Cinematic and confidently ‘narrated’, ‘Do Not Watch This Film’ is one piece of fiction meant to mesmerise and intrigue.