Weekend Warriors
CLICK ON A STAR TO VOTE 1-5 ➡ Press for 1 star out of 5Press for 2 stars out of 5Press for 3 stars out of 5Press for 4 stars out of 5Press for 5 stars out of 5 (1,267 votes, average: 4.72 out of 5)
Release Year & TMFF Edition:
2015 - July 2015
Robin de Ridder
8 minutes


Weekend Warriors is a film about a couple of friends, that go LARPing for the first time in a while. When they are confronted with the Game Leader to find a dragon, slowly the border between fantasy and reality disappears.


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  • Mettie Buitendijk

    Mettie Buitendijk

    This is horrible. Never seen such a piece of crap. This is nothing like the real thing. I am insulted they use the term L.A.R.P.
    This whole crappy little disgustingness should be banned, it soiled everything we try to explain about larping and completly annihilated our efforts to help people understand what larping actually is.

    Reply July 26, 2015
    • Mettie


      Also the voting aystem is crappy, I meant to vote one star, it took five.
      But seriously, steel swords? A bike wheel for a shield? That not how this works, that’s not how any of this works!

      Reply July 26, 2015
    • Sebas


      Sorry but i dont agree with you. This movie isnt about reflectief perfect Larping, its About friendship and Some douchebags who believe in the magical powers of a group people that try to follow dreams. I think its more scetch than realisme. And its only made in 48 Hours so the bike wheel is very creative in such a short time. I think its funny. 4/5 from me. Owh and Yes, the voting sucks 😉

      Reply July 27, 2015
      • admin



        Can you please tell us more about the voting so we can improve it? What happens exactly?

        Reply July 27, 2015
      • admin


        We have made the stars bigger, hope it’s easier now. If the size was not the problem (because on mobile devices it was pretty difficult to vote) , let us know.

        Reply July 27, 2015
        • Robin


          Its a pity that the public votes are kind of like who have the most friends. I don’t like that kind of voting.. Ah well .. 🙂 The buttons are better now they are a bit bigger! +1 for direct service 😉

          Reply July 28, 2015
          • admin



            Yes, we understand, but since we are an online festival this is the only way we can give the Audience Award. All other awards are given by our judges.

            Hope you understand, cheers!

            July 29, 2015
    • surfturf


      I think you’ve taken this Larp thing way too seriously. Maybe it’s time you find a life because your review sounds like it’s coming from an anti-social psycho…..

      Reply July 29, 2015
      • Jeske Jansen

        Jeske Jansen

        Sorry, Mettie, but didn’t you see the categorie? Comedy/fantasty. I think it’s hilarious . Well – filmed and acted. 5 stars from me!

        Reply August 3, 2015
  • Mary-Lou


    This is HILARIOUS. It’s so funny and you definitely feel the joy and passion of the cast and crew.
    Apparently this movie was made in 48 hours..? That’s insane. Great job!
    To be honest, I don’t know all that much about larping so some stuff might not have been exactly as it’s done. But I wasn’t looking for a documentary when I started watching this.. So personaly I don’t mind at all.

    When’s the next episode of weekend warriors up guys? Looking forward to it!

    Reply July 27, 2015
  • Eyanosa


    i think it is ok, it is humor so the bikewheel and the falling beard where just funny. i give it 5 stars
    dont be nagging about it is crappy it is humor, or dont you have humor? lol 😀

    Reply July 30, 2015

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