• Paper Plane

      A Short story about the inner working of a Childs mindset during London Blitz in 1940. Timmy a child 50miles away from London is experiencing his brother leaving to fight the war while in London a small child […]

    Apr 5, 2015
    United Kingdom 11 Minutes Joey Lever
  • “FOR SALE”. Low price. Small use.*

      Carlos (Carlos Blanco) is a middle-aged man who , for economic reasons , have to sell your car. Meet Miguel (Xúlio Abonjo ), who seems interested in it . Both begin a journey that will lead to a […]

    Apr 5, 2015
    Spain 13 Minutes Jose A. Blanco Novoa
  • Janne of Love

      „Janne of love” is a humorous investigation of the communicational problems, cultural differences and prejudices of contemporary Europeans. Bulgarian, Finnish and English language “get along, hide real intentions and clash” just like the characters, pointing out the invisible […]

    Apr 5, 2015
    Bulgaria 25 Minutes Vilma Kartalska, Radko Savov
  • Waiting for the Time

      A dream, a poetry…  

    Apr 5, 2015
    Turkey 13 Minutes Burak Aras
  • Pensioners Chips Episode 2

      Willy and Jimmy are old 1995s microprocessors retired for 16 years and grow old slowly.  

    Apr 4, 2015
    Germany 3 Minutes Joachim Weber
  • Split

      Watching this film is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle: you start at the edges and build towards the center. Each new piece recontextualizes those before it and hints at the puzzle’s dark core. If you find it […]

    Apr 4, 2015
    Singapore 2 Minutes Brett Moody