Wonderland is an imaginary band from the novel by the Hungarian authors Eszter Angyalosy and Akos Baranyai. But the imaginary band’s imaginary biggest hit, ‘What Do You Really Wanna Say’ become real, thanks to the musicians Adam Szeker, […]
Marco is the only child in the village. His childhood is lonely, bored and focused on adults. That changes when he meets Lacho, Biber and Shotka, who came to help him in the fight for children’s rights. Marko […]
‘Way out’, inspired by ‘Alone Together’ by Sherry Turkle, is a reflection of modern life in this digital age. The exaggerated contrast between emotionless citizens and characterized phones reveals our over-‐dependence on virtual communication. A dramatic and extreme […]
YOU explores the emotions and reality of long distance relationships. Struggling to find sense in your life when the person who brings it is so far away.