Jobs War*
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Release Year & TMFF Edition:
Yoonnyung Lee, Sumin Lee
20 minutes


Youth unemployment in Korea have reached over 10%. The economic recession and continued job crisis are producing overwhelming number of jobless youths. Requirements for employment are fastidious for one must be able to speak variety of foreign languages, possess various skill certificates, have experiences in internships and must be well presented, leading to many of them to have plastic surgeries for beauty purposes. The competition for employment is fierce and brutal, the employment is a war, and every day is a battle for the Korean youths. The Korea have become a nation where one must be qualified to dream. The documentary was broadcasted nationwide through Korean national broadcasting system. It is aimed for everyone who is interested and is worried about the Korean society and hopes to deliver the raw truth about the hardships of youths living in Korea. Through the documentary, we wish to have an opportunity to bring the seriousness of the Korean youth unemployment issue to the world, in order to inquire into the problem.


Password: jobswar
*Only a trailer is available for now.

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  • Joe K.

    Joe K.

    Looks interesting

    Reply November 16, 2016
  • Regina


    Shrewdly observed the real situataion!

    Reply November 30, 2016
  • Kanoko M.

    Kanoko M.

    Such a sad story. Fully understood.

    Reply November 30, 2016

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