Ghosts in the Ink*
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United Kingdom
Release Year & TMFF Edition:
2019 - April 2019
Igor Lewicki
13 minutes
TMFF Awards:
April Nominee - Actress of the Month


A recently divorced couple, mired by tragedy, struggle to maintain civility as the meet, one last time, to finalize the sale of their house.


*Only a trailer is available for now.

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  • Justin Spurny

    Justin Spurny

    Ghost in the Ink is one of the most moving and beautiful peaces of film I have come across in years. Fro. Writing to acting to filming a beautiful peace.

    Reply April 28, 2019
  • Lynn Tulloch

    Lynn Tulloch

    remember the feeling of loss that you had watching ‘infinity war’? This film gave me the same feeling. I actually wanted to help them

    Reply April 28, 2019
  • Josh Hreha

    Josh Hreha

    Ghosts in the ink is amazing because it hits home. Most of us have been through something like this, and it’s hard not to feel their pain. This film was very well put together and realistic. You could cut the tension with a knife at a few points and this was all done in 13 minutes. I’m excited to see what the director and producer can do with a full 90 minutes!

    Reply April 28, 2019

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