• Moving Forest**

      Palm oil is the cause of massive deforestation in Indonesia. Through habitat destruction, indigenous populations and entire ecosystems are directly threatened. In Borneo and Sumatra, NGOs and local individuals take action on site. : they show us how […]

    Oct 18, 2015
    France 27 Minutes Emmanuel Coquelou, Yanette Shalter
  • Don’t Frack Our Future

      Don’t Frack our Future is a provocative documentary, which seeks to explore the growing opposition to the controversial debate on fracking in the UK. From the stance of anti- campaigners, It challenges the assertion that hydraulic fracturing is […]

    Jun 17, 2015
    United Kingdom 15 Minutes Christopher Devlin
  • The Door*

      We are paving all over the planet and losing a lot of cropland. What if the formidable story of the extinction of the Planet Lingo Three is happening on Earth? What if it is not a literary fiction […]

    Mar 24, 2015
    Brazil 21:39 Minutes Claudia Nunes
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