The film was produced in a one shot-movement. In a hotel hallway the camera plunges into the microcosm of the hotel corridor carpet. (Quote from the movie “THE SHINING”) between crystal structures and inhabitants of this world we […]

    Apr 8, 2015
    Germany 3 Minutes Walter Volbers
  • Humanexus

      The human race has long searched for meaningful interpersonal connections. Tools and technologies have made it easier to reach out and share ideas but each presents a new unforeseen challenge. We must always ask: “Is this what we […]

    Apr 5, 2015
    United States 10 Minutes Ying-Fang Shen

      This is a visual document that addresses the concepts of the city, modernity, urban planning and memory from a poetic perspective. Skyscrapers are portrayed as immense receptacles of memories, symbols of the power of cities: figuratively stepping inside […]

    Mar 29, 2015
    Spain 22 Minutes Beatriz Ruibal
  • For My Love Oswald

    A lonely patrol by a serious and gloomy officer inside at a dancing crowd. The silence, the fragmented time and the empty spaces within the cyclic and anonymous excitement among a crowd at a celebration, exploring the tension between […]

    Mar 21, 2015
    Brazil 02:10 Minutes Pedro Murad
  • Nejma**

    At the dawn of her fortieth birthday Nejma a famous dancer sees herself being ejected from the troop with which she have collaborated for years. Threatened by Sbah the new recruit of the troop’s director Nejma felt herself pushed […]

    Mar 20, 2015
    Tunisia 9 Minutes Medini Kammoun Mirvet
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