Just a quick reminder, there are only 10 days* left to submit to #TMFF – The Monthly Film Festival. Until now, 67 films have been selected and because we’ve received enough entries for each category we will keep the […]
Just to let you know, March submissions have opened two days ago! You can submit by clicking here and choosing one of our methods! 7 films have been selected so far, what are you waiting for? Submit now and […]
As we’ve said in the previous post, we would like to thank you all for putting your trust in #TMFF ! It’s been a great month! Click to see the winners & nominations of #TMFF – February Edition. […]
Hello, we would like to thank you all for submitting to #TMFF ! It’s been a pleasure watching your films and we are looking forward to hearing from you regarding of how we’ve done. All NOMINATIONS can be found […]
Hello there, We’re glad to announce that 70 great films have been selected so far. Whoa, who would’ve expected that? Definitely not us! Just a reminder, there are only 5 days left until the 26th of February, when the […]
Because there are so many good entries out here, we thought it’s fair to add some more awards for you! Ten awards in total, to be precise. Therefore, we will award the following starting with this month competition (February): […]