Hello, dear filmmakers! We have just received amazing news: TMFF – The Monthly Film Festival ranks in the top 2.5% of among more than 4,000 film festivals! We would like to thank you first of all for believing in us […]
The time to announce the May 2016 winners has come! Congratulations to everyone invloved! You as well as all nominees will receive an e-mail from us in the days to come. You can see all the nominees and […]
Below you will find the nominees of May 2016. Winners will be announced tomorrow (31st of May, 2016)! We would like to congratulate everyone for taking part in the TMFF experience. You are all great! We remind you that voting […]
Hello there, Are you ready? We are! Submit now your short film, feature film, screenplay or trailer via our ENTRY FORM, Filmfreeway, FestHome, Clickforfestivals or Movibeta for the chance to feature in the OFFICIAL SELECTION LIST of May as well as in our film collection […]
Hello, The April 2016 winners have been announced. Short Films: http://tmff.net/winners/best-of-april-2016 Feature Films: http://tmff.net/winners/best-of-march-april-feature-2016 Screenplays: http://tmff.net/winners/screenplay-competition/february-march All nominees & winners have received an e-mail from us. Thank you and hope to see you soon!
Hello, Here are the winners of the February-March Screenplay Competition winners: Christina Hulen wins the 1st prize in the FEBRUARY-MARCH SCREENPLAY COMPETITION for ‘A Gentleman of Good Hope’! Second Place was taken by Chris Beadnell for ‘Bingo Man’ while […]