Hello there and congrats to all our nominees of November 2021! We remind you that voting for the audience award is still open until tomorrow night (November 30), when we will announce our winners as well. We wish you […]
Hello there, the winners of October 2021 have just been announced! Congratulations to everyone involved and hope to see you soon at TMFF. You can see all the nominees and winners HERE or below: Best Feature – Zugvögel 2nd […]
Hello there and congrats to all our nominees of October 2021! We remind you that voting for the audience award is still open until tomorrow night (October 31), when we will announce our winners as well. We wish you […]
Hi there, The winners of the August-September Screenplay Competition have just been announced on our website as well as on our social media pages. You can see all winners and nominees here: http://tmff.net/winners/screenplay-competition/august-september-2021/ Therefore, Meg Keneally wins the August-September […]
Sports are a great subject for a dynamic and fast-paced film. Think of all the great sports movies through time; Escape to Victory, Million Dollar Baby, even The Waterboy. All used sports as a vehicle for a tale of […]
Hello there, the winners of September 2021 have just been announced! Congratulations to everyone involved and hope to see you soon at TMFF. You can see all the nominees & winners HERE or below: Best Feature Announced at the […]