Over 400 movies have been made from scripts and writers found on InkTip. InkTip is a screenplay listing service that qualified filmmakers use to find scripts and writers at no cost to the filmmaker. Screenwriters can add short scripts […]
When it comes to horse racing movies, Hollywood has a knack for galloping right past reality into the realm of dramatic embellishment. Yet, every so often, a movie trots along that’s not just a figment of some screenwriter’s imagination […]
Hello there, the winners of February 2024 have just been announced! Congratulations to everyone involved and hope to see you soon at TMFF. You can see all the nominees HERE or below: Best Feature – The Carrier 2nd […]
Hi there, The winners of the DECEMBER-JANUARY Screenplay Competition have just been announced on our website as well as on our social media pages. You can see all winners and nominees here: https://tmff.net/winners/screenplay-competition/december-january-2024/ Therefore, Craig Moore wins the December-January […]
The gaming world is witnessing a burgeoning trend of film-based video games, a fusion where cinematic narratives meet interactive play. This trend has roots in early adaptations, where simple translations of films into games set the stage for a […]
Hello there, After carefully considering thousands of projects over the past year, selecting precisely 259 films and trailers in the 2023 edition, we’ve finally decided to announce and award our FILM OF THE YEAR 2023 winner: ‘C O E […]