Here’s Jane
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United States
Release Year & TMFF Edition:
JoLane Lentz, Bobby Hewitt
12 minutes


Here’s Jane takes you on a roller coaster of laughs when Jane, a free spirit in her mid 30’s, working as a sales girl in the mall at Forever 21, comes up with a scheming plan on how to avoid being evicted from her dumpy apartment she shares with her best friend Heather. Who’s also in her mid 30’s, waiting tables at Hooters while in her 9th year of community college. Just when they think their problems are over, a fiasco ensues involving two crooked cops, an enterprising drug dealer and their creepy landlord, “Hitler”. As usual leaving Heather tangled in a huge misunderstanding on the wrong end of another one of Jane’s crazy hair brain ideas. A colorful cast of hilarious characters taking you on an over the top comedic thrill ride.


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