Written and directed by Rusty Rehl, ‘Opportunity’ is a 2024 crime drama feature that stars Jon Waters and Quinn Aikele. Jon Waters plays Patrick, a middle aged man relegated to living in his van after he destroyed his own career and lost his home. Desperate to get a house, Patrick reluctantly agrees to go along with his goofball friend Donnie who wants to commit some unlawful activities to get rich. Enter Donnie’s girlfriend, a bitcoin wallet holder and two Mormon gangsters, and what we have is a crime caper for the ages.


‘Opportunity’ is one hell of a ride. From its quirky opening scene, the film hits the ground running and doesn’t let go until the very end. In a feature length runtime, the film summarises the American dream really well; America is a land of untold wealth and opportunity and different people go about seizing these opportunities in different ways. For Patrick, it means taking part in something both dangerous and illegal to get out of the predicament he is in and for Donnie, it also means something similar. Rusty Rehl’s film, therefore, sets about showcasing the journey of two very desperate men in the most original way possible. Both Jon Waters and Quinn Aikele play their criminal counterparts to perfection. Waters’ Patrick is the one with some semblance of a brain while Aikele’s Donnie is as dumb as they come. Facing these two are a group of Mormon gangsters who look harmless but are actually quite dangerous. Throw in Donnie’s exotic girlfriend into the mix and we have a crime saga for the ages. Patrick and Donnie will bicker like an old couple but when it comes to brasstacks, they have each other’s back. It’s a bit like Starsky and Hutch (if Starsky and Hutch were criminals).


The editing is on point and visually, the film captures the suburban aesthetic really well. Thus, ‘Opportunity’ is a fantastic crime caper, one that manages to surprise you. From the performances to the twists, everything comes along nicely in Rusty Rehl’s odyssey of greed and the underworld. I never knew a crime caper with bitcoin could work but it does and I want more of it. I can’t wait to see what Rehl manages to conjure up next.