Ties That Blind’ is a short black comedy that explores the absurd nature of a hit-man’s relationship with his family – especially with his blind brother – and the way he understands to relate to his brother’s invalidity.


From the very start ‘Ties That Blind’ aims to parody the normality of a common hit-man. Questions like ‘do such people have a family?’, ‘what kind of a family and how does their family look like?’ or ‘what would they be doing when spending time with their family?’ receive from director Dion Paz answers on the verge of ridicule. And this is not because he imagines unusual situations but – on the contrary – because he invites his public to imagine that such a person (a hit-man) would descend from a normal family with common problems (one of it, in this case, being the blind brother who needs someone responsible to spend time with him).


Anyone can imagine a hit-man is not exactly a common character but would rather have his own freaks and would act like an outsider of his family. This is not far from Dion Paz’s vision; the hit-man seems to ‘wear a normal skin’ but in fact he is having a very different perspective over things – including over his brother’s invalidity – compared to the other members in his family.


His power of discernment is highly put to question, living no place for common sense when he sees in his brother’s blindness a business opportunity that can be used in his own advantage. Don’t be fooled! No matter how normal he would seem, such a person is powerfully deranged.