L’Audition (The Audition)‘ by Jean-Francois Morin. A wonderful short film with simple yet beautiful choreography. Jean-Francois Morin’s short could be just a narrative film or might as well be a wonderful metaphor about human nature. 


So the film is easily accessible to a vast array of public. Actors do a good job, it is nicely filmed and has good music hence it is very entertaining to watch. But what is the best thing about this film is that it makes you think and empathize while you are watching it as it starts with good music that is in exact accordance with the characters emotions waiting for an audition. Then it reaches the climax – the dance, the audition itself. This is where reality and imaginary collide. The dance is a wonderful choreography that expresses beauty, delicacy and passion that are called in question mostly by fear. That could be fear generated by the envy of others or fear of failure. We’d rather go for the fear of failure for it is so connected with the ballerina’s emotions during the audition. Therefore, her dance becomes a way of expression for an honest soul with pure passion for what she practices. But at the same time – as the director suggests in the film – during the audition the ballerina transcends in another place and time, the one that she dances about.


This is why one can so easily find both the metaphors and the hidden meanings in this film. Maybe the ballerina dances about what she feels or what she has been feeling all her life concerning ‘the audition’ and maybe ‘the audition’ represents the landmark in her future; a success would bring her closer to her aspirations. Or maybe the dance that we see, the dance that looks like being placed in her imagination is a metaphor of her power to empathize and transcend as far as coalescing with the character she interprets which shows deep passion about the way she chose in life and her effort to control her emotions.


Either way, everything is beautifully expressed by Jean-Francois Morin’s ‘L’Audition (The Audition)’.




