Let’s face it: TV shows and TV producers sell us a lot of bollocks. I mean, there are many TV shows that are literally so stupid that they would need no attention from us, and still they are so popular and they collect such a huge audience that sometimes you ask yourself whoever is watching this nonsense? Not to mention that people making fool of themselves or in any case that lack any actual talent or interesting features become a subject of public gossip and acquire a lot of fame.


Javier Botia, as a director this time (as he is originally a mentalist and best known for this) made a very interesting, convincing and enlightening case of study of this phenomena of fame and its two sides: becoming famous out of success or becoming famous out of failure.


Javier’s short documentary ‘Mud Idols’ follows his experiment of intentionally creating a mud idol out of his own person and explains the philosophy and psychology behind this kind of fame. We’re not going to disclose this so if you are curious (and we hope you are) you’d better watch it yourself. However, we are going to say about Javier Botia’s documentary that we found it highly interesting and well made, very inspirational and meaningful.


Fame is nowadays oftenly an effect of gossip and an attribute of people with great potential of making a fool of themselves or that know how to become subjects of gossip out of themselves. This actually means that because of the way media works today, anyone can be a ‘crook’ and learn how to become a mechanism of attracting fame. But is this what we should do? Is this what power is: being famous? Does this validate your value?


Fame is a very dangerous game with different flip sides. It can come as a result of your success – which most of the time will not necessarily take your breath away, and will be relatively easy to live with; or it can be a result of (intended) failure – which will give you addiction, suffocate you and drag you through ‘mud’. It will degrade you to the limit of dehumanization and will make a product of media out of you for a very short time, after which it will condemn you to eternal oblivion.


A very intense short documentary, actual and truly, truly meaningful in a very contemporary way. Are you looking to get famous? Do you want your part of popularity? Watch ‘Mud Idols’ and have a second thought: what do you want to be?