After a physicist’s wife is murdered he finds it hard to move forward and makes up an invention that could help him undo the event. However the question he is still consumed by is: would it be ethical or not to intervene?


Jacob, the main character, highly motivated by the love for his wife and blaming himself for her death will eventually travel back to try and change things but something else will happen.


Michael Peake’s film ‘Jacob’s Paradox’ is about the human attempt to control faith and time. The order of the universe though is being conserved through greater powers and phenomenons than just a simple human invention. Will a man no matter how brilliant be able to calculate and foresee all variables and combinations of possible happenings and events? Beyond his condition as a participant to events, will Jacob manage to outrun his condition as a simple witness and influence the course of actions established by the universe?


Jacob is a character both bright – by being able to invent a method to undo the past – and reckless – to think that he has the right and it’s in his power to make a change -, both altruist – as he tries to save his wife’s life – and selfish – for trying to change things for his own emotional comfort.


After all, Michael Peake’s film is a dilemma about the man’s right to interfere with the order of things. If you give ‘Jacob’s Paradox’ a watch we promise it will feed you with an unexpected ending.