Young Gul Cho’s ‘E-delivery impresses from the first moment through the amount and quality of detail entailed by the computer generated graphic. Yes, believe it or not this is an animation. But it looks so real that it will literally get you confused. The short film is a high-tech version of a baby delivery. Get it? ‘Delivery’ – ‘E-Delivery’… You probably don’t but you will when you’ll see the film.


Everything is intensely industrialised and digitalised in Young Gul Cho’s film. There is no human intervention whatsoever and along the process of ‘procreation’, on the risk of spoiling it, you get a lot of funny ideas such as an espresso machine mixing flavours of personality.


‘E-delivery’ emerges however as a powerful critic brought to the digitalised side of society and our dependence on technology, commerce and Internet. In fact the film has such an ironic humour that it turns scary. Society and life in itself is dependent and created by machines. The imaginative process the machines are engaged by reflect the great creativity and vision of the director. The message beyond powerfully reverberates into the viewer: in nearby future people will be ready to give up even the most pleasant activity they can access for the sake of the technologically advanced commerce. It’s addiction, it’s a fashion, it’s life reduced to absurd. You can buy anything on e-Bay finally means ‘anything’.


There have been fine sense invested in Young Gul Cho’s short animation and great technical and artistic skills – they are visible and impossible to ignore. Aside from her ability to deliver a powerful message and explore for the meaningful layers of her theme the young directress also shows an exceptional care for the quality of the visual experience she offers to her public. It is therefore not only amazing what a process she is able to imagine but it is also stunning to see how well made everything is. ‘E-delivery’ looks better than an A-list Hollywoodian visual effects blockbuster. The fine design of shadows, reflections and transparency of objects, not to mention the amount of technical detail are staggering.

This is one hell of a special cinematographic experience and we loved it. We’d say this is the one animation with the best graphic design hosted by TMFF so far. Young Gul Cho is a genius!