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United States
Release Year & TMFF Edition:
Jesse Knight
113 minutes
TMFF Awards:
June Nominee - Best Feature Film


Partners follows the lives of two, Rural North Carolina, uniformed police Officers in a small southern town; Officer John Walker and Officer Mandy Kain. Both middle aged and veterans of the department; the story, told in five separate segments, will focus more on how the two officers handle both the job and their personal lives. The story will touch on the problems police officers face in today’s society; however, it will not be the typical police action drama portrayed in larger scale films or television series. The story is very character driven and deals more with the personal side of each character and the friends and co-workers which surround them.


**No video file available for now.

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1 Comment
  • Rachel Batson

    Rachel Batson

    Great film!

    Reply May 17, 2016

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