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Germany, United Kingdom
Release Year & TMFF Edition:
Stephanie Kiewel
26 minutes
TMFF Awards:
August Winner - Student Film of the Month & Audience Award


Original Title: Funkenflug – Chronicles of a Catastrophe

On 19th September 1865, an innocent fight between two brothers led to on of the biggest town fires of the area that destroyed most of St. Georgen, a small town in the heart of the Black Forest in Germany. Based on original recordings, Funkenflug serves as an outstanding example of solidarity with a town facing its biggest catastrophe in history and citizens regaining strength and courage to rebuild the town to the important centre of the Black Forest it is today.


*Only a trailer is available for now.

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  • Marcel Czulucki

    Marcel Czulucki

    Der Film ist sehr Interessant würde ihn immer wieder schauen.Lg Marcel

    Reply August 13, 2016
  • Thorsten Fagentzer

    Thorsten Fagentzer

    Ein Megafilm, toll gemacht und spannend. danke

    Reply August 15, 2016

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