Bradley Bickleman*
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Release Year & TMFF Edition:
Brendan Schoenmaker
10 minutes
TMFF Awards:
January Nominee - Student Film of the Month


Official Title: Bradley Bickleman & the Perfect House

Bradley lives in a house but not just any house, a perfect house. From ceiling to floor, every detail is meticulous and orange! He lords over the location with a precise, pedantic nature until one day he notices a Kid watching him from outside, purple ice-cream in hand. Shaken, Bradley turns to his record player to calm his nerves. As time goes on, The Kid begins to intrude on Bradley’s routine further and further until, finally, he gets into the Perfect House. While he leaves shortly after, Bradley’s world collapses when a discarded, upturned ice-cream falls onto his record player. Breaking down, he cowers on the floor as his house transforms into a nightmare. Weeks later, the house has been largely abandoned and rundown. Bradley peaks out from a small hole in his cleaning closet.


*Only a teaser is available for now.

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